Monday, September 9, 2013

I'll bet you a basket of wings that you won't post a comment on this blog post

Eeek, sorry, due to yesterday being a day of rest (otherwise known as NFL Sunday) I am a bit late in getting a blog post up. And since I'll be playing catch up and having to write two of them today, this post (as well as the next) will be brief.

I want to address mobile advertising - or rather - advertising on mobile apps. I fell victim to a very good one yesterday that actually compelled me to click it, then follow its call to action, and now I'm blogging about it.

And THAT, my friends, is the power of good ad placement.

To the right is an actual snapshot from my iPhone screen. You can see I'm logged into my Yahoo! Fantasy Sports app and following my team, Axis of Ignorance, which, BTW, is currently in 5th place with 99.6 points with R. Griffin III left to QB in tonight's game WASH vs. PHI.

I see the Buffalo Wild Wings advert and it's asking me to "toss my opponent a wing wager."

"why, what's a wing wager?" I of course have to ask myself right before clicking on the yellow little rectangle.

So step one of this advertiser's brilliant marketing scheme is knowing it's audience and where they will be on Sundays - in front of their phones, in front of their big screens. They could have advertised during any one of the match ups that day, but that would have cost them A LOT of money and with a large percentage of their target audience's faces looking at the little screen instead of the big screen it would have been a total waste. Not to mention, except for the outdated Nielsen method, you can't really tell how many eyeballs you're getting for your TV spots - it's a guess at best - but you can track your CTR.

Step two was picking a call to action that was simple, yet didn't explain itself, compelling you to click the add to find out "what the hell is a wing wager?"

Ahhhh, thaaaaaat's a wing wager. Hmm, okay, I like wings. I like gambling. I like hanging out with friends. So win or lose, I still win. Ok, I'm in. I'll make a medium wager that the Axis of Ignorance is gonna kick your ass #uckin' Bronco's (that's Christine's team. She started the day off ahead of me by 78 points, but all her games are played and she's sitting pretty at 168.68 pts). I think I can take her, so I clicked "propose it."

And the last step was sharing it to her facebook page to let her know it was on like donkey kong! Which is brilliant for two reasons - first, because now I have made a bet and made it public so one of us HAS to pay up or forever be labeled a reneger that no one else will ever place any kind of bet with. So I guess that means Buffalo Wild Wings will be earning our bsuiness one way or another - and heck - we might as well just watch next week's match up from Buffalo Wild WIng's restaurant since we're going to be there anyway. So not only are they going to get me (or hopefully Christine) to buy a medium basket of wings, but we're going to need a couple pints to wash that down with - not to mention refreshments and snacks for all the rest of the players who show up from our league that day.

They've got us by the balls. Err, figurative balls.

But, secondly, now all of Christine's facebook friends, who may or may not have their own fantasy leagues, are going to see this awesome wager and want to make their own. Maybe B-Dubs gets a couple more patrons...maybe they also publicly post wagers via twitter of facebook.

The moral of the story is: had B-Dub posted an in-app ad that simple read: "hey watch the game and eat some wings here" I would have ignored it. Not clever. Clearly an advertisement. Don't care.

But they didn't do that. They came at me with a very clever call to action and I like that.

Now com'on Washington Redskins!!! I got a basket of wings riding on this game. 

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